Thu. Jan 23rd, 2025

If you do not see the dangerous game that is being played before your eyes, it’s either time for a new pair of contacts or a head examination. The left and the complicit media are purposefully fanning the flames of racial hatred. Furthermore, the progressive movement and Antifa are blatantly playing favorites for obvious reasons.

Recently, a tragedy befell several women in Atlanta and the surrounding area. Let me enumerate the few facts that we do know… They were gunned-down in three different spas by the same shooter. Six of the eight women who were killed were of Asian ancestry. The shooter admits that the killings were driven by a sex addiction. Two of the three businesses are extremely close in location, in fact they are right across the street from one another. Gold Spa, Aromatherapy Spa, and Young’s Asian Massage clearly have a large Asian clientele and/or staff– it’s spelled-out plainly in one of the spa names, and the others feature photos of a young Asian women in seductive clothing looking very coy displayed predominantly on their webpages. When you look at the websites and pictures of these “spas”, it’s obvious the type of services they really offer…

So all in all it seems to me a man who has admitted to a sexual addiction, the details about which I do not wish to speculate, killed many women (not all of them Asian) on a rampage inside businesses that clearly cater to his desires. A majority of these women happened to be Asian due perhaps to the fact that many Asian people frequent or work at these establishments… But hold on, let’s ask the media what we are to take away from these events… They want us to believe that this was racially motivated and connected to a recent spike in hate-crimes directed toward Asian Americans due to COVID-19 and the “racist rhetoric” of people like former President Trump.

USA Today plainly says in an article on the killings, “While police said the shooter told authorities he was motivated by a sex addiction, not by race, experts have said the killings are inextricably connected to racism and hate… The shooting comes amid a recent spike in incidents of hate, discrimination and violence against Asian Americans during the COVID-19 pandemic, fueled by racist rhetoric by politicians such as former President Donald Trump…” The “expert” that they refer to is a president of a university in New York. While he happens to be of Chinese descent, he probably is not an expert on the Asian community of Atlanta. This “expert”, Frank Wu, is quoted saying, “How many Asian people have to be killed before you see a pattern? In Atlanta, if six of eight victims are Asian – I mean, you have to drive around to specific places to find them.” Apparently, Mr. Wu does not know how to do a rudimentary Google Maps search to find out that, as I stated previously, two of the locations of the shootings are literally across the street from each other. It surely doesn’t take much driving in that case.

But again, Mr. Wu and the media insist that this is clearly an act of racism, and if you dare question that fact, you are racist too. Just look at what Marc Ramirez from USA Today had to say, “We’re waiting for the evidence, they heard those institutions say. But the evidence, they thought, is in our experience. Experience reflecting centuries of white supremacy.”

Recently, Representative Pramila Jayapal (D-WA) was on CNN talking about this supposed rise in racism directed towards Asian Americans. She tweeted out a clip of the interview in which she pushes the narrative that somehow racism and name-calling against Asian Americans was made popular by President Trump. The interviewer actually says to Rep. Jayapal, “Asian Americans feel under attack…that’s undeniable…There’s a feeling that they are being singled-out, that you are being singled out…” There is no evidence of this, therefore, it is absolutely deniable. Also, I’d like to point out that Pramila Jayapal is from India. She lived for a while in southeast Asia, but her ancestry is not from that region. While yes, Indian Americans can be considered Asian Americans, they are certainly not what people traditionally think of when using that nomenclature, especially in the vein of a purported rise in racism due to COVID-19 tensions. So excuse me for not viewing Pramila Jayapal as a victim.

Overall, I cannot ignore the obvious resemblance in the responses to the tragic deaths of these women and to the George Floyd and Breonna Taylor incidents. The left and the media were quick to run with the narrative of racism and white supremacy claiming that all of these events were “clearly” and “undeniably” racially driven despite the actual facts suggesting otherwise. However, for as similar as these events and responses were, there is also one huge difference that speaks the loudest of all. There have been protests in the country about this alleged rise in Asian American hate, and that is their absolute right. BUT these protests, as far as I can tell, have actually been peaceful instead of “mostly peaceful”. There has been no murder, no looting, no destruction of private or public property. Why is that? Why is Antifa not rounding up its troops? Why are Democrat politicians not calling for political unrest in the streets? Oh yes, the Asian Americans do not have a Marxist organization seeking to change the fundamentals of America like BLM behind them. They are protesting in hopes of cultural change, not political change. Moral of the story: The left will play the race game in hopes of starting race wars that will lead to more racism and violence as long as it pushes minorities into their corner; however, the left doesn’t ACTUALLY care about the well-being of those minorities unless there is a political agenda behind it.

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