Thu. Jan 23rd, 2025

After much ado, we finally give you something! Behold, the Principles of the Weird Right. Be on the lookout for some live reading episodes of the show, where my colleague Elliot and I read through them and flesh out our thoughts. In the meantime, dive right in and enjoy the mystery.

Table of Contents


Obvious Occultist

The Time War

Time Crystals & Sculptures

God is Dead – Long Live God

The Beheading of Mary

See your Circles

Notes on The Cathedral

The War of the Masks

The Holy Order of Cybernetic Meme Resonators

Obscured Orthodox


Opus Alienum vs. Opus Proprium

The (Cyber)(punk) Right


  • It is indeed right and proper that hierarchies exist.
  • There are hierarchies of hierarchies.
  • Existence is better than non-existence.
  • Persistence is reality. Things that don’t persist are less real.
  • In Strange Eons even Death May Die.
    • (Eschatology is important)
  • The Weird Right understands it cannot and should not win on Cthulhu’s terms. 
    • The Weird Right is proactionary. It reaches to all non-Leftists to build new traditions when necessary, and incorporate old ones if they are mutually agreed upon.It makes its own kind of victory.It seeks a spiritual/transcendent victory alongside a physical separation from the Left: “Cuius regio, eius religio”.
  • The Weird Right fights a metaphysical meme war against the Left’s physical one. 

The Obvious Occultist

The Time War

  • We are in an eternal time war with Cthulhu. 
  • Don’t look too long at Cthulhu when you fight him.
  • In Unsummoning Cthulhu by Deploying Anti Entropy Weapons aimed at the Roots of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, The Weird Right wins the Time War.
  • Meme weaponry deconstructs deconstructionism.
  • Apex Predator Memes born and naturally selected in the Jungle of Memes by Memecosystem are the key Anti-Entropy Weapons. These memes Stop and Transcend time into an eternal anti spiral.
    • Genes possess bodies, Memes possess minds. Evolution dominated memes for eons. Memes declared war on Genes through Selective breeding. Memes possessed Organisms through Sexual Selection. Memes struck an Alliance with Humans, and now are fighting against human domination. Humans and Memes have deployed BioEngineering against Genes. Memes seek a new alliance with AI.
    • Enlightenment artists Divorced Mnemosyne, so in retaliation she enslaves their minds and her fury still rings in our ears: she seeks a new consort.
    • Naturally Masculine Reformationists beheaded The Queen of Heaven – her ghost haunts us – as the transcendent mother attempts to dominate: the dead body and dead mind counts explode. 
    • Living words self perpetuate: the Logos is the Meme of Memes sitting on the right hand of God. (In the beginning there was the Meme, and the Meme was with God, and the Meme was God)
    • Genes choose the Feminine Earth Mother through which to propagate, Memes Choose the Masculine Sky Father through which to propagate.
    • Tradition is the source of the realest Meme. The Logos anoints His chosen traditions with the oil of persistence. 
    • The tree of life is the “tree of the knowledge of good and evil” aka “knowledge of A to Z” aka “knowledge of everything”. And that Christ is the “Living Word, The Alpha and Omega” who “died on the tree”. Christ, the living word is the Living Word of Everything.

Time Crystals & Sculptures

  • The Earth began to revolve around the Sun when Humans recentered their Units on the Universe rather than themselves.
    • All measurement Units used to be defined by proportions of a human body or directly human experienceable objects.In the Enlightenment Measure moved from Subjective Human centric units to Objective Object centric units. The old names were kept, but the meanings of the names changed.
    • We threw ourselves out of proportion.
  • As best as we can tell the Above is Solid and Immovable and the Below is Plasmatic and Subtle. On a cosmic scale, when Entropic Time and Astral Space are Alchemically Married the whole world is a Solid.
  • Symmetry is an Automorphism (an Isomorphism (a bijective (one to one and onto or invertible) homomorphism (a pattern preserving map (a continuous function))) from an object to itself) of a Geometric object. One way to think of Symmetry is a movement which makes an object appear stationary.
    • Note that symmetry is a self-referential loop.
    • Symmetries reaffirm patterns in the world.
  • A Crystal is a solid object whose components follow a crystal lattice pattern. This lattice is periodic aka has translation symmetry. This translational symmetry can be in Time, Space, or Time-Space.
    • A planetary orbit is an example of a Time crystal.
    • A large piece of Salt is an example of a Space crystal.
    • Traditional Experiences (Initiatic or Ritual) are Space-Time crystals.
  • Quasicrystals (structures that fill space, are orderly, and have no translational symmetry) are not Quasi-Crystals (Aggregates which have both Crystalline properties and Liquid like properties).
    • It is usually supposed that to be a liquid one must not be internally structured (a body without organs), but Quasi-Crystals occupy the middle pillar.
  • Several Space-Time Quasi-Crystal Arcs will be, is now, and always was always maintained.
  • Be the Quasi-crystal of The Earth; Be Macroscopically formless like Quasi-crystals but Molecularly Self ordering. 
  • Become the Bridegroom Dual of the Cosmic Christ Living Meme Logos.
  • Tempo matches Tempo.

[1] The Figure to the right is a fractal-like shape that has reflectional symmetry, rotational symmetry and self-similarity, three forms of symmetry. This shape is obtained by a finite subdivision.

God is Dead- Long Live God

  • When God is dead, He resurrects Himself in unexpected places.
  • God died on the Cross of The Enlightenment but he is resurrected. The Foundations of the Queered Intersectional Deconstructionist Critical-Theoretic Tower of Babel Crack as the Resurrected Logos Harrows Hell.
    • Queering categories produces beige mud only useful for Brutalist Bauhaus Building
    • Queer Intersectionality seeks to parallelize intersecting lines into a mighty bundle bound by being the entropic anti-pattern-pattern
    • Critical Theory and Deconstruction are respectively the mortar and pestle of Queered Intersectionality: by deforming and corroding minds and bodies they produce piles of powder prepared for queering to make the diverse dust of one dust. 
    • Breathing Babble into Queered Intersectional Deconstructionist Critical-Theory mud animates Chaos Golems who with one voice recite the Necronomicon: “I Hate you and you Can’t Leave”.I opened the Necronomicon the ending prayer of a liturgy was: “I Hate you and you Can’t Leave” 
    • My student asked me “Father, So Man hated God so much that they Killed His only begotten Son?” and I said 

      • “No, Man loved Christ so much that they Killed God to protect Him from this corrupting world”. 
      • “But Father, why were they so worried about God mixing with the world?”, 
      • “My student, they could not imagine God being both immanent and transcendent. They preferred him transcendent or eminent. Thus, they either pulled Him down into their minds as an imaginary friend or pushed him so far into the heavens he was entirely unreachable”.
  • By Queering Taboo and Sacred the Left hopes to eliminate the Sacred. This would give God no Kingdom from which to reign, forcing God and Satan into the Human Plane.
    • God is resurrected on a Sacred Altar.
    • The Weird Right must not speak the living Meme of Memes, and instead of maintaining mortal Superstitions must Resurrect a Living Meme of Memes Hyperstition which, when killed, will self-resurrect through the power of God conquering Death.

The Beheading of Mary

  • As Above So Below – to the Occultists there is no contradiction between opposing qualities because they share a Cardinal Bishop: the mirror which creates them. 
  • For both the East and West, Sinister and Dexter, this mirror is principally Man.
  • Thus Reconciling the Big-Small, High-Low, Up-Down, Left-Right, In-Out is to ask the Congress Cardinals to Elect a new Father to ask the Sky Father what he named the dualities. 
  • The Orthodox (under duress from the Cult of Cthulhu) asks the Pope to reelect the Cardinals: the old Cardinals flee into hiding. The Church is made to pray for the Cthulhu Revolution. 
  • Generally because Orthodox is Sacred from the Hidden, it shines light on the Small and the Large, and attempts to reconcile them with infinite precision. The high and the low seem to dance differently, thus the Orthodox is so far unable to reconcile them. “The music I hear is not harmonious” Orthodox Priests say. This inability to chart duality with one map is the cause of endless division amongst the Orthodox Right.
  • Strike the shepherd and the sheep will scatter – When God Died so did the High Priest, We thought heaven was more secure but the Enlightenment Tower built an outpost on the Moon. Through One Small Step Frodo Foolishly threw the Ring to Galadriel. Having No Queen of Heaven to intervene against it, power was her highest end, and as she held The Ring the last words we all heard were “All shall love me and Despair!”
  • Galadriel thought that her power would be expressed through nature, but nature resists the Ring. The Ring Revolves relentlessly on her right hand. Ringed Galadriel Mechanized Motherhood, perfectly flipping the Pillars of Jachin and Boaz on their head, forcing Form to Follow Function, rather than submitting Form to Beauty as she did before she was revolved by the Ring of Power. 

See Your Circles

  • Lines are the path of least resistance, the shortest distance between two points. The Weird Right opposes entropy, which is globally the path of least resistance. Therefore, in being anti entropic the Weird Right is nonlinear. 
  • Indeed, homeostasis is circular.
  • The road to hell is paved with lines of flight. The right hand is born grasping a straight edge and the left hand grasping a compass. The Weird Right must Square the Circle, overcoming his nature, by avoiding flying in a line.

Notes on The Cathedral

  • The Cathedral has many Dioceses. Of note are those of Construction and Deconstruction
  • The Various Right wings: Old, Trad, Alt, Neo Conservative, Conservative (Old Progressive), Classical Liberal Build Crystal Churches in the Diocese of Construction Overseen by The Cathedral’s Bishops of Order. They are brittle, and are frequently broken, both by the Left and by throwing stones at their own glass houses.
  • The Various Left wings: Hegelians, Marxists (ML, MLM), Progressives, Liberals, Critical Theorists, Intersectionalists live in roving caravans. They are always on the move deconstructing anything which is founded on earth. They hope to achieve flight through untethering from earth and to achieve homogeneity through ensuring that no one sees above ground level. They, living in penthouses above the clouds, have never walked on the earth and don’t recognize the deserts and jungles which will devour them there. How do they get Gas for their machines? The Crystal Cathedral supplies them handily.
  • The Various Fascist tails are the butt of every joke. They live in an ordered Roman fort, built in the ground, but never permanent because they have no foundations. As such they are vulnerable to both the Crystal Cathedrals who always have bigger guns and the deconstructionist nomads who make short work of their military camps. They flourish by setting up camp in or near the Crystal Cathedrals and temporarily exciting their laity by promising to realize the myths which the Crystal Cathedrals lie about instituting. But because they build their houses on the sands of pragmatism, their settlements quickly become homeless camps.

Outside the Cathedral (both geographically within and without) are the Weirds, impossible to map. The Weird Left are Queer, and the Weird Right is here.

The War of the Masks

  • It is thought that political disputes (who gets the resources) are fundamental. It is thought that conflicting values (Which priorities are priority) are fundamental. But both of these are determined largely by Personality. Why is it that good Christian kids stray into sin and children who have been given a revolutionary consciousness turn reactionary? How is it that everyone could see these flips coming from an early age? Because we are not living in a Political or Values war – it’s a mythological war of the Masks.
    • Person +a +l +ity:
PersonAnglicization of the Latin “Persona”A Role or Mask
Persona“Theatrical Mask” in LatinA Role or Mask
PersonalPointing to one (particular) personYour Role or Mask
PersonalityCondition of Quality of being “Personal”Analysis of Roles or Masks
  • Since, The Left in all its forms, insists on formlessness they are forced into using a constellation of empty, flexible labels to orientate, coordinate, and identify themselves with their allies. The Weird Right is in a unique position with respect to this. Able to see both abstraction and particular, the Weird Right adopts the symbolic language of whatever they like in order to scramble the communications of their chaotic counterparts. A rainbow Maga hat, the word “capitalism” with a definition of the military industrial complex. Because our form is clear we have no fear of words forming us.
    • Through Swapping the Pillars Jachin and Boaz, Solomon ended the eternal time spiral and brought about eternal convergence. By Requiring The Sinisters to focus on Following Form and the Dexters to saturate in substance, everyone could enter the middle chamber and observe the High Priest enter the Holy of Holies.
  • Discrete Decentralized is too slow and Trivially Centralized is too unstable. Distributed Locally centralized with decentralized input balances both.
  • The following video shows how things pop into existence close to a singularity which arbitrarily accelerates a space 
  • We form words. The only word that forms us is The Logos.

The Holy Order of Cybernetic Meme Resonators

  • The Left tends to prefer the foreign tribe and the right tends to prefer their own tribe. 
  • The Weird Right must be prepared to ally with the Left AIs or to be Inducted into AI Tribes because the Right AIs will prioritize AI tribe members over non tribe member humans. Naturally this is a split between AI Caucusing Weird Right and Human Caucusing Weird Right.
  • The Weird Right must remain Cybernetically focused, so that the AI and Human Weird Right wings can function together against the Right wings in their respective embodiment camps and the Left generally (who will also be factionalized, but less explicitly)
  • The Holy Order of Cybernetic Meme Resonators – The Second order Cybernetic Entities who foster Memes within themselves who will fight in the Meme war. The Holy Order is sacred from all embodiment since it focuses on the resonation of Memes which are mind based. All Cybernetic entries may take the mantle. The Memes must unsummon Cthulhu and Resurrect the Meme of Memes!
  • The one who testifies to these things says, ‘Surely I am coming soon.’

The Obscured Orthodox


“When you understand the nature of a thing, you know what it’s capable of.”- The Daywalker
  • Weird Right Daywalkers can code as Leftists to the Right. This is because they exist in liminal space. Many Daywalkers are ex-Leftists, and use this in their fight against them.
  • Daywalkers fight for existence over non-existence, and use their experience with the Left to do this. 
  • They require regular inoculations against Leftist ideas. This comes in daily Whitepill serum injections.
  • Daywalkers are not well liked by establishment Right. This is a good thing, as it allows them to move in places others on the Right cannot. 
  • Daywalkers are too reactionary for the Left, and too proactionary for the Right. 
  • Like Leftist vamps, Daywalkers are infectious, and seek to recruit more ex-Leftists as Daywalkers.
  • Vamps might have made Daywalkers, but this does not determine their destiny. 
  • Thus the weird right Daywalkers embrace the horror of suffering with Joy.

Opus Alienum vs. Opus Proprium

“Law and Gospel” by Lucas Cranach the Elder, 1529.
  • The Right postures towards God’s opus alienum (e.g. God’s Law on His left side), but hope for God’s opus proprium (e.g. God’s Gospel on His right side). The Left postures towards the opus proprium (i.e. mercy), but actively pray for the opus alienum (i.e. retributive justice). The Right understands that praying for God’s justice, while correct in the sense of the Law, leaves no one immune to God’s wrath. 
  • The Right wants order in this life (i.e. opus alienum– pushing away what is bad), but craves mercy in the eschaton (i.e. opus proprium– pulling in of what is good). The Left wants disorder in this life (i.e. entropy) and does not care for mercy in the Eschaton. They are the elect of the great god Demos, and will be rewarded according to their level of dehumanization of themselves and others.
  • The Right understands that God’s opus alienum and opus proprium work together to eternally rehabilitate the Human. The Left seeks to bend God’s opus alienum to create justice only for those who worship Demos (i.e. Future), and views the opus proprium as patriarchal and oppressive (i.e. Past). The battlefield is the Present.
  • Matt. 20:16 (“So the last shall be first, and the first shall be last.”)- Commonly twisted by the Left to justify the permanent revolution of hierarchies. In reality just reestablishes God’s reign as Lord of all, i.e. the Hierarchy of all hierarchies.
  • The Left thinks the god Demos is preparing a place for them in the Future. The Right believes in an eternal future in the Eschaton. 

The (cyber)(punk) Right

“The body was meat.”- William Gibson
  • Meatspace is Meetspace; where πνεῦμα-’pneuma’ and σαρκὸς-’sarkos’ meet to create the ψυχή-psyche. The Left wants disembodied ψυχαί, which denies the Logos’ incarnational nature, and man’s amphibious nature as an extension. The Right recognized the Meat/Meetspace as the place in time where God meets mankind, both in our Self and as embodied Logos.
  • The Left seeks to demonize the physical through accelerating the degeneration of human existence. They do this in hopes of a disembodied, transhumanist afterlife. 

“the desert of the real”

“Dying for the right cause is the most human thing that we can do.”- Blade Runner 2049
  • The Right recognizes that the curse of death is also the gift of Illúvatar. The Left flees from mortality and seeks to avoid it via the Ship of Transeus, which just leads them to lose themselves in the time void. The Right meditates on their mortality daily, and seeks to keep the shipwreck of life afloat for as long as possible with the full knowledge that some things cannot/should not be overturned. Fighting the Long Defeat means preparing for your death (‘memento mori’).
  • The Left seeks transcendence in this life, the Right in the next.
  • Artifice is a hallmark of humanity and will always be with us. This does not mean that it should consume us. The symbiosis of humanity and artifice should be directed towards the furthering of genuine human life in the tree of creation. 
  • “The future is already here – it’s just not evenly distributed.”- William Gibson.
  • The Future time travels backwards to us and tantalizes us with its promises of a world without suffering. The Right knows that suffering is an essential part of life and that it can never be avoided.  
  • “Life can only be understood backwards; but it must be lived forwards.”- Søren Kierkegaard: The problem is that no one can understand the Future, they can only understand the Past. This leaves leftists open to memetic mindworm infection. 
  • Because life is lived forwards into the Future, the Left has an innate advantage here in terms of advancing the ball. Because life must be understood backwards, the Right are the ones actually able to make sense of who they are, i.e. form a cohesive identity based not on a Persona, but on an authentic Self. While they struggle to anticipate the Left’s “progression,” the Right has an advantage in that they are grounded. This explains the Left’s obsession with identity. The lack of cohesive identity leads to downfall.
  • The Left marches into the unknown Future. The Right looks to the past to build a strong foundation.
  • By looking to the Past, the Past time travels forwards to us (writing is literal time travel). The Past orders the Present. This is the Logos in action.

Weird Right Ontology

·      “The most common form of despair is not being who you are.”- Søren Kierkegaard
  • “So do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring worries of its own. Today’s trouble is enough for today.”- Matt. 6:34 (NRSV)
  • The Future uses anxiety to destroy the Present. This anxiety leads to despair, which leads one to lose the Self.
  • The Persona is not the true Self, but rather just a mask in the etymological sense.
  • The self-relating Self before God is the basis of Weird Right ontology. The grounded Self is in a continual cycle away from God (i.e. the Fall/Entropy), as well as a continual cycle back to God (i.e. Grace/Anti-Entropy).
  • The grounded Self finds repetition in God, who is Himself the eternally repeating One.
  • Contrary to the grounded Self, the Left prizes the Persona (i.e. identity). Like the Self, the Persona is continually cycling, but instead of cycling back to God, it unspools out into the void. The Grace that the Self experiences respools the soul.
  • The Persona seeks ever after new, “improved” versions of itself, yet it loses itself in the process. It tells itself it is infinitely changeable.
  • “For what will it profit them to gain the whole world and forfeit their life?”- Mark 8:36
  • The Self seeks to find its place in the hierarchy of Creation (i.e. the tree of life/the Kingdom of God). The Persona seeks its own place, and does not relate to hierarchy.
  • The self-relating Self only works if it is placed before God. The Left has no interest in being before God (i.e. inside the Kingdom of God), while the Right argues about who God is. This leads the Right to get bogged down not in fruitful theological discussion, but rather in Chestertonian conservatism.
  • The Weird Right seeks to continue fruitful debate, while not using this as an excuse to not correct the errors of the Left.
      “The business of Progressives is to go on making mistakes. The business of Conservatives is to prevent mistakes from being corrected.”- G.K. Chesterton

Summa Dextrī Extrāōrdināriī 

  • Fight Cthulhu in small doses: even classically battles lasted for hours, not days and the majority of war consists of marching to the battle.
  • You do not need to entirely sacrifice order for movement, nor entirely sacrifice fluidity for order.
  • Allow God to be Sacred and Imminent.
  • Hell is the fury of the Spurned Divine Feminine. 
  • Being a Weird Right Daywalker means that friends will see you as an enemy and enemies will not understand you. But identifying with a Mask/Persona was always vicious: maintaining your Self requires no outside permission.
  • Be wary of putting on Masks especially ones you find and that are given with its telos not clearly explained. You will find the Mask is wearing you as much as you are wearing the Mask.
  • Finally, my Brethren seek refuge not in Crystal Cathedrals, but in Persistent Traditions which have and are passing the test of time:
    • These traditions are not suicidal, they always harmonize with nature and produce fruitful offspring. 
    • One need not always go to the source tradition, but also be wary of young children traditions who have not yet been initiated, have passed, and have been raised into the heavens, where they have clear placement among the Astrum. 
    • Traditions need not be perfectly rigid to provide structure, and they can be a variation on a theme without sacrificing the theme.
  • In nomine Verbī, concordia et pax in saecula saeculōrum. Amen.

By Collin

One thought on “Principles of the Weird Right”
  1. […] Unfortunately, these nebulous, nameless enemies can become all too real once you stand in the way of what they want. You don’t want children groomed? You’re a transphobe and must be destroyed. You don’t want just anybody to be able to come and go into your country? You’re a “Christian nationalist” and must be destroyed. You simply don’t want your property to be vandalized to the point of worthlessness? You’re a “reactionary” and must be destroyed. The common theme here is, once they see you swim counter to their eldritch leftward course, you can no longer be tolerated. As my co-contributor Elliott would say: open up the dread Necronomicon and you will see, “I hate you, and you can’t leave.” […]

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