Lauren Boebert: Rising Star on the Right?
If you ask people who the darlings of the left currently are, I am willing to bet a large majority of them would include AOC in their list. Like her,…
If you ask people who the darlings of the left currently are, I am willing to bet a large majority of them would include AOC in their list. Like her,…
Those of you who grew up in the 90s *pulls at collar desperately hoping Zoomers have left the room* remember the Self-Improvement Movement – hawking everything from books to VHS…
Real, total war has become information war. It is being fought by subtle electric informational media – under cold conditions, and constantly. The cold war is the real war front…
Last night, Nicole Wallace, former White House communications director under President George W. Bush, traitor, and overall vapid shrew, was interviewed on “The Late Show” by Stephen Colbert. A good…
You haven’t seen or heard very much from Joe Biden, and his team and supporters in the Corporate Media want you to believe he’s just working so hard. Part of…
Writer-producer-director Jeff Gibbs is seemingly a grizzled veteran of an anti-capitalist eco-warrior, a self-professed “tree hugger” (with photographic evidence to prove it) and – given what we all know about…
I grew up in the rural Midwest. My parents have been good to me and raised me in a moderate-conservative household and community. I had a good childhood. But I…
Do not be unequally yoked together with unbelievers. For what fellowship has righteousness with lawlessness? And what communion has light with darkness? 2 Corinthians 6:14 I am a progressive Democrat.…
Recently, Dr. Rachel Levine was questioned by senators during the confirmation hearing for her to become the new Assistant Health and Human Services Director. If she were confirmed to this…
America now has two co-presidents. One is the official figurehead who is propped up at a podium where he accidentally mumbles racial slurs or in a chair where he signs…