Thu. Sep 19th, 2024

Talking to gay conservatives the past few months has been a learning experience.

For starters, you’re a bunch of real messy bitches who live for drama.

what y’alls meetups look like

But to be real – one common thread I’ve learned is that there’s a deep undercurrent of anxiety among gay conservative men being outed.

Not as gay either – but as conservative.

I’ve heard heartfelt stories of having to be careful to say the right things around leftist coworkers, family members, even romantic partners for fear of losing that person in their lives.

To many in this community, it’s a challenge to be your full, authentic self with other people. 

They get a version of you – the workplace version, the happy gay version, the partner that “just doesn’t talk about politics”.

all versions are extremely sweaty

This manifests as a great deal of anxiety over being “found out”. 

Will people look at me differently? 

Will I be treated differently?  

I see many gay conservatives fearful of posting photos of themselves on social media – or even having social media accounts to begin with that aren’t anonymous.

This same trend isn’t observable on the Left because it’s not only okay to be gay and politically Leftist – it’s expected!


Trump received the highest percentage of the LGBTQ vote since it was recorded, mostly for his thank u, next approach to taking the media bait on gay issues.

this didn’t hurt either

Even though it’s 2021, this anxiety persists and questions remain – “are there others out there like me?” 


Spoiler alert: there are!

We’re all gonna be anxious to some degree about who we are.

But if you can be your authentic and best self with even one other person, you can be with others too.

By Wyatt

2 thoughts on “Gay Conservative Anxiety Disorder”
  1. Thanks for posting this. I don’t necessary identify with the conservative label, but as a very-much-NOT-liberal gay guy it was comforting nonetheless. 🙂

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